Fuel Cells at Sea: Meyer Werft Advances Climate-Friendly Shipping
HafenLiebe Live -
February 3, 2025 at 10:56 AM -
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Shipping in Transition: New Demands on Environment and Technology
The maritime industry is undergoing a profound transformation. Stricter emission regulations and growing environmental awareness are driving the need for new technologies to significantly reduce the pollutant emissions of passenger ships. Conventional diesel-based propulsion systems are reaching their technical and economic limits. To make shipping more sustainable, a shift to alternative propulsion concepts is essential.
The Zero4Cruises project focuses on advancing Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, specifically optimized for use on ships. This technology has the potential to not only reduce emissions but also provide ships with more efficient energy solutions. A particular advantage is that the systems are suitable for both new builds and retrofitting existing vessels.
Methanol as a Key to Low-Emission Shipping
A central component of the project is the combination of PEM fuel cells with the energy carrier methanol. This solution enables ships to be supplied with electricity, heat, and cooling in a nearly emission-free manner. Methanol is considered a promising fuel due to its relatively simple handling and high energy density.
The project partners are building on their previous experience and developments to bring the fuel cell technology to market maturity. The long-term goal is to optimize the technology so that it can make a significant contribution to the climate neutrality of the shipping industry.
Consortium with Strong Expertise
The Zero4Cruises project is backed by a powerful consortium of industry and research leaders. In addition to Meyer Werft, known for its innovative shipbuilding projects, Freudenberg Fuel Cell e-Power Systems and the DLR with its Institutes for Technical Thermodynamics and Maritime Energy Systems are involved. Together, they aim to make fuel cell technology viable for high-seas shipping and pave the way for a greener future in the industry.
With Zero4Cruises, an important step is being taken toward sustainable shipping. The development and market introduction of fuel cell systems could fundamentally transform the maritime industry and make a decisive contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.